Heart of PEI
July 28, 2021
Cavendish Farms supported the Heart of PEI initiative by helping to install and update the community signage to welcome those entering the New Annan area, where the operations are located. The community signs have needed some repair and the Heart of PEI reached out to Cavendish Farms to see if they could assist.
On Wednesday, July 21, volunteer members of the Heart of PEI community signage committee, joined alongside representatives of Cavendish Farms and the Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce to show off one of the six community signs that were updated and installed in the community of New Annan.
“We are excited to have member companies and corporations in the area showing their support for projects like this one,” said John Davison, President of the Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce. “We hope it encourages other businesses in the community to support initiatives like this, as it helps all of us in the long run”.
Community signs have been updated to include “Heart of PEI” banner signs in over 20 locations this year alone, including New London and Malpeque Bay.
The Heart of PEI working committee, the Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce and The Town of Kensington have been working hard to develop additional installations, including locally created art and welcome banners in the Kensington Railyards.
“We are grateful to Cavendish Farms for their commitment to supporting our community signage ‘welcome’ project in the New Annan area,” said Don Quarles, volunteer Chair of the Heart of PEI initiative. “These signs help bring the region closer together and remind everyone they are part of a greater community with so many great things to enjoy.”
The Heart of PEI signage was designed by Grace Jenkins of Hummingbird Creative. The Heart of PEI is a Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce led initiative focused on enhancing the area's destination appeal, to strengthen authentic and unique experiences, to bring awareness to the product offerings in the area and increase visitation; to celebrate our beautiful land and shores. The Heart of PEI Working Committee is made up of over 20 volunteer Tourism Operators & Stakeholders who are committed to building a stronger product and experience in the region.
For more information:
Julie Corbett - Executive Director
Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce
Marc Doucette
Vice President of Communications, Cavendish Farms